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Ħarġiet ġodda PS3 games 2024/2025

Qabbel l-aħjar PS3 games fi entertainment (issortjar: prezz) u jiskopru flimkien ma Amazon.de l-aħħar offerti u offerti bi prezz medju ta’ 32 Euro. Tal-ħafna ppruvati sew PS3 games xi wħud huma disponibbli minn 15,76 Euro għal żmien qasir biss - toqgħodx lura u aqbadha malajr! Ordni ġdida tiegħek PS3 game illum (normalment tbaħħir b'xejn minn 29 Euro) u iffranka l-flus.

Issortjar: popolarità - klassifikazzjoni - iffrankar - prezz

LEGO - The LEGO Movie Videogame [Essentials]
LEGO - The LEGO Movie Videogame [Essentials]
minn Warner Interactive biss 15,76 Euro Ħsieb


Grand Theft Auto V - [PlayStation 3]
Grand Theft Auto V - [PlayStation 3]
minn Rockstar Games biss 16,90 Euro
  • Die größte, dynamischste und abwechslungsreichste offene Spielwelt, die je erschaffen wurden.
  • Los Santos: eine weitläufige, sonnendurchflutete Metropole voller Selbsthilfe-Gurus, Sternchen und vergessener Promis.
  • Drei spielbare Protagonisten: Franklin, Michael und Trevor.
  • Storytelling und Gameplay auf eine ganz neue Art und Weise.
  • Zugang zu GTA Online, einer dynamischen und persistenten Online-Welt für 16 Spieler.



Die Sims 3 - [PlayStation 3]
Die Sims 3 - [PlayStation 3]
minn Electronic Arts biss 17,61 Euro
  • Altersfreigabe: ab 6 Jahren (USK)
  • geeignet für Sony Playstation 3
  • Genre: Simulation



Lego Harry Potter - Die Jahre 1 - 4 [Essentials] - [PlayStation 3]
Lego Harry Potter - Die Jahre 1 - 4 [Essentials] - [PlayStation 3]
minn Warner Interactive biss 17,99 Euro Ħsieb


Duck Tales Remastered - [PlayStation 3]
Duck Tales Remastered - [PlayStation 3]
minn Capcom Entertainment Germany GmbH biss 19,99 Euro Ħsieb


Ps3 Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Eu)
Ps3 Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Eu)
minn Sega Of America, Inc. biss 21,85 Euro Ħsieb


LEGO Jurassic World - [PlayStation 3]
LEGO Jurassic World - [PlayStation 3]
minn Warner Interactive biss 22,89 Euro Ħsieb


The Last of Us - [PlayStation 3]
The Last of Us - [PlayStation 3]
minn Sony Computer Entertainment biss 29,39 Euro Ħsieb


Red Dead Redemption
Iffrankar -0%
Red Dead Redemption
minn Rockstar Games minflok 29,98 Euro biss 29,90 Euro Ħsieb


GT Omega Steering Wheel Stand Suitable for Logitech G25 G27, Thrustmaster T500RS and TH8RS shfiter. PS3 GT5 [Import Englische]
GT Omega Steering Wheel Stand Suitable for Logitech G25 G27, Thrustmaster T500RS and TH8RS shfiter. PS3 GT5 [Import Englische]
minn GT Omega Racing biss 136,00 Euro Ħsieb


Aktar ħarġiet ġodda PS3 games Amazon.de

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Għall-prezzijiet kurrenti, l-ispejjeż tat-tbaħħir, id-disponibbiltà u l-informazzjoni tal-prodott fuq PS3 games jekk jogħġbok irreferi għall-korrispondenti Amazon‑Homepage. Dan il-websajt inħoloq fuq u tiġi aġġornata f'intervalli regolari. Il-prezzijiet u l-kundizzjonijiet tal-kunsinna huma soġġetti għal tibdil fi żmien qasir. Żbalji u ommissjonijiet ħlief.

Klassifikazzjoni: 1443x bil 9.2/10 għal ħarġiet ġodda PS3 games