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Bestsellers Dog food 2024/2025

Compare the best dog food in pets (sorting: rating) and discover together with Amazon.de the latest offers and deals with an average price of 33 Euro. Of the many well-proven dog food some are available from 8,99 Euro only for a short time - do not hesitate and grab it fast! Order your new dog food today (usually free shipping from 29 Euro) and save money.

Sorting: popularity - rating - saving - price

Animonda GranCarno Hundefutter Original Adult Mix 2 aus 6 Varietäten, 6er Pack (6 x 800 g)
Animonda GranCarno Hundefutter Original Adult Mix 2 aus 6 Varietäten, 6er Pack (6 x 800 g)
from Animonda only 8,99 Euro
  • Gewicht d. Hundes / g p. Tag; 5-10 kg / 385-650 g; 10-20 kg / 650-1000 g; 20-30 kg / 1000-1600 g
  • Protein 10 %, Fettgehalt 7,5 %, Rohfaser 0,5 %, Rohasche 2 %, Feuchtigkeit 79 %
  • Vitamin D3 200 IE, 0,2 mg E 2, 1,5 mg E 5, 10 mg E 6
  • nur aus frischem Fleisch
  • garantiert ohne Getreide



Animonda GranCarno Hundefutter Original Adult Mix 1 aus 6 Varietäten, 6er Pack (6 x 800 g)
Saving -25%
Animonda GranCarno Hundefutter Original Adult Mix 1 aus 6 Varietäten, 6er Pack (6 x 800 g)
from Animonda instead of 11,94 Euro only 8,99 Euro
  • Gewicht d. Hundes / g p. Tag; 5-10 kg / 385-650 g; 10-20 kg / 650-1000 g; 20-30 kg / 1000-1600 g
  • Protein 10 %, Fettgehalt 7,5 %, Rohfaser 0,5 %, Rohasche 2 %, Feuchtigkeit 79 %
  • Vitamin D3 200 IE, 0,2 mg E 2, 1,5 mg E 5, 10 mg E 6
  • nur aus frischem Fleisch
  • garantiert ohne Getreide



WOLFSBLUT Trockenfutter WILD DUCK Ente + Kartoffel Adult für Hunde 15,0 kg
WOLFSBLUT Trockenfutter WILD DUCK Ente + Kartoffel Adult für Hunde 15,0 kg
from Wolfsblut only 62,57 Euro
  • INHALTSSTOFFE von Wolfsblut Wild Duck:
  • Frische Kartoffeln, frisches Entenfleisch, getrocknetes Entenfleisch, Kartoffelprotein, Entenfett, H
  • ühnerleber, Leinsamen, mediterrane Kräuter, Topinambur, Erbsen, Heidelbeeren, schwarze Johannisbeere
  • n, Holunderbeeren, Aroniabeeren, Anissamen, Bockshornklee, Löwenzahn, Taurin, Lysin, Mineralien und
  • Vitamine (incl. DL Methinine, probiotische Stoffe Fructooligosacharide und Mannaoligosacharide), Yuc



Josera SensiPlus Hundefutter mit Ente, 1er Pack (1 x 15 kg)
Saving -7%
Josera SensiPlus Hundefutter mit Ente, 1er Pack (1 x 15 kg)
from Josera instead of 42,00 Euro only 39,25 Euro View


Josera Optiness Hundefutter ohne Mais
Saving -5%
Josera Optiness Hundefutter ohne Mais
from Josera instead of 42,50 Euro only 40,50 Euro View


Josera Kids Welpenfutter
Saving -20%
Josera Kids Welpenfutter
from Josera instead of 41,00 Euro only 32,99 Euro View


Bosch Hundefutter Adult Lamm und Reis, 15 kg
Bosch Hundefutter Adult Lamm und Reis, 15 kg
from Bosch only 26,49 Euro View


bosch Hundefutter Senior, 1er Pack (1 x 12.5 kg)
Saving -25%
bosch Hundefutter Senior, 1er Pack (1 x 12.5 kg)
from Bosch instead of 31,99 Euro only 23,95 Euro View


Royal Canin Dog hypoallergenic, 1er Pack (1 x 14 kg)
Saving -16%
Royal Canin Dog hypoallergenic, 1er Pack (1 x 14 kg)
from Royal Canin instead of 82,95 Euro only 69,88 Euro View


bosch Hundefutter Adult Geflügel und Hirse, 1er Pack (1 x 15 kg)
Saving -28%
bosch Hundefutter Adult Geflügel und Hirse, 1er Pack (1 x 15 kg)
from Bosch instead of 33,45 Euro only 23,99 Euro View


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For current prices, shipping costs, availability and product information on dog food please refer to the corresponding Amazon‑Homepage. This website was created on 13.03.2025 and is updated at regular intervals. Prices and delivery conditions are subject to change at short notice. Errors and omissions excepted.

Rating: 593x with 9/10 for bestsellers dog food