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Jauni izlaidumi PS3 games 2024/2025

Salīdziniet labākos PS3 games iekšā entertainment un atklāt kopā ar Amazon.de jaunākie piedāvājumi un piedāvājumi ar vidējo cenu 32 Euro. No daudzajiem labi pierādītajiem PS3 games daži ir pieejami no 15,76 Euro tikai uz īsu brīdi - nevilcinieties un ātri satveriet to! Pasūtiet savu jauno PS3 game šodien (parasti bezmaksas sūtīšana no 29 Euro) un Ietaupi NAUDU.

Šķirošana: popularitāte - vērtējums - ietaupot - cena

The Last of Us - [PlayStation 3]
TOPSELLER aprīlis 2025
The Last of Us - [PlayStation 3]
no Sony Computer Entertainment tikai 29,39 Euro
  • Sprache:Deutsch
  • Genre:Adventure
  • Plattform:Sony PlayStation 3



Lego Harry Potter - Die Jahre 1 - 4 [Essentials] - [PlayStation 3]
Lego Harry Potter - Die Jahre 1 - 4 [Essentials] - [PlayStation 3]
no Warner Interactive tikai 17,99 Euro
  • Angaben: laut Hersteller
  • Bildschirmtext: deutsch
  • Controller: Dualshock 3
  • Festplattenspeicher ca.: 5000 KB
  • HDTV: 1080i



Duck Tales Remastered - [PlayStation 3]
Duck Tales Remastered - [PlayStation 3]
no Capcom Entertainment Germany GmbH tikai 19,99 Euro Skats


Ps3 Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Eu)
Ps3 Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Eu)
no Sega Of America, Inc. tikai 21,85 Euro Skats


GT Omega Steering Wheel Stand Suitable for Logitech G25 G27, Thrustmaster T500RS and TH8RS shfiter. PS3 GT5 [Import Englische]
GT Omega Steering Wheel Stand Suitable for Logitech G25 G27, Thrustmaster T500RS and TH8RS shfiter. PS3 GT5 [Import Englische]
no GT Omega Racing tikai 136,00 Euro Skats


Grand Theft Auto V - [PlayStation 3]
Grand Theft Auto V - [PlayStation 3]
no Rockstar Games tikai 16,90 Euro Skats


LEGO Jurassic World - [PlayStation 3]
LEGO Jurassic World - [PlayStation 3]
no Warner Interactive tikai 22,89 Euro Skats


Die Sims 3 - [PlayStation 3]
Die Sims 3 - [PlayStation 3]
no Electronic Arts tikai 17,61 Euro Skats


Red Dead Redemption
Ietaupot -0%
Red Dead Redemption
no Rockstar Games tā vietā 29,98 Euro tikai 29,90 Euro Skats


LEGO - The LEGO Movie Videogame [Essentials]
LEGO - The LEGO Movie Videogame [Essentials]
no Warner Interactive tikai 15,76 Euro Skats


Vairāk jauni izlaidumi PS3 games Amazon.de

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Vērtējums: 1443x ar 9.2/10 priekš jauni izlaidumi PS3 games