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Popolari PS4 consoles 2024/2025

Qabbel l-aħjar PS4 consoles fi entertainment u jiskopru flimkien ma Amazon.de l-aħħar offerti u offerti bi prezz medju ta’ 374 Euro. Tal-ħafna ppruvati sew PS4 consoles xi wħud huma disponibbli minn 73,99 Euro għal żmien qasir biss - toqgħodx lura u aqbadha malajr! Ordni ġdida tiegħek PS4 console illum (normalment tbaħħir b'xejn minn 29 Euro) u iffranka l-flus.

Issortjar: popolarità - klassifikazzjoni - iffrankar - prezz

PlayStation 4 - Konsole (500GB, schwarz, slim, F-Chassis) inkl. 2 DualShock 4 Controller
TOPSELLER April 2025
PlayStation 4 - Konsole (500GB, schwarz, slim, F-Chassis) inkl. 2 DualShock 4 Controller
minn Sony Interactive Entertainment biss 299,99 Euro
  • Lieferumfang: PlayStation 4-System 500 GB, 2 Dualshock 4 Wireless-Controller, Mono-Headset, HDMI-Kabel, Netzkabel, USB-Kabel, Bedienungsanleitung



PlayStation 4 - Konsole (1TB, schwarz, slim) inkl. FIFA 19 + 2 DualShock Controller
PlayStation 4 - Konsole (1TB, schwarz, slim) inkl. FIFA 19 + 2 DualShock Controller
minn Sony Interactive Entertainment biss 490,00 Euro
  • Inhalt: PlayStation 4-System 1TB Black, 2x DUALSHOCK 4 Wireless-Controller, Fifa 19, PS Plus 14 Tage Voucher Fifa 19 Sept 19, Mono-Headset, HDMI-Kabel, Netzkabel, USB-Kabel, Bedienungsanleitung



PlayStation 4 - Konsole (1TB, schwarz, slim) inkl. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 + 2 DualShock Controller
PlayStation 4 - Konsole (1TB, schwarz, slim) inkl. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 + 2 DualShock Controller
minn Sony Interactive Entertainment biss 403,66 Euro
  • Inhalt: PlayStation4-System 1TB Black, Call of Duty : Black Ops 4, 2xDUALSHOCK4 Wireless-Controller , Mono-Headset, HDMI-Kabel, Netzkabel, USB-Kabel, Bedienungsanleitung



PlayStation 4 Pro - Konsole (1TB) inkl. FIFA 19 + 1 DualShock 4 Controller
PlayStation 4 Pro - Konsole (1TB) inkl. FIFA 19 + 1 DualShock 4 Controller
minn Sony Interactive Entertainment biss 479,00 Euro Ħsieb


PlayStation®4 Pro - Konsole (1TB, schwarz, Pro)
PlayStation®4 Pro - Konsole (1TB, schwarz, Pro)
minn Sony Interactive Entertainment biss 423,98 Euro Ħsieb


PlayStation 4 Pro - Konsole(1TB, schwarz) inkl. Red Dead Redemption 2 + 1 DualShock Controller
PlayStation 4 Pro - Konsole(1TB, schwarz) inkl. Red Dead Redemption 2 + 1 DualShock Controller
minn Sony Interactive Entertainment biss 449,99 Euro Ħsieb


PlayStation 4 - Konsole(1TB, schwarz, slim) inkl. Red Dead Redemption 2 + 2 DualShock Controller
PlayStation 4 - Konsole(1TB, schwarz, slim) inkl. Red Dead Redemption 2 + 2 DualShock Controller
minn Sony Interactive Entertainment biss 399,99 Euro Ħsieb


PlayStation 4 - Konsole D Chassis 1TB (Zertifiziert und Generalüberholt) inkl. 1 DualShock 4 Controller
PlayStation 4 - Konsole D Chassis 1TB (Zertifiziert und Generalüberholt) inkl. 1 DualShock 4 Controller
minn Sony Interactive Entertainment biss 349,99 Euro Ħsieb


PlayStation 4 Pro - Konsole A Chassis 1TB (Zertifiziert und Generalüberholt) inkl. 1 DualShock 4 Controller
PlayStation 4 Pro - Konsole A Chassis 1TB (Zertifiziert und Generalüberholt) inkl. 1 DualShock 4 Controller
minn Sony Interactive Entertainment Ħsieb


DualShock 4 Wireless Controller for PlayStation 4 - Berry Blue
DualShock 4 Wireless Controller for PlayStation 4 - Berry Blue
minn Sony biss 73,99 Euro Ħsieb


Aktar popolari PS4 consoles Amazon.de

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Għall-prezzijiet kurrenti, l-ispejjeż tat-tbaħħir, id-disponibbiltà u l-informazzjoni tal-prodott fuq PS4 consoles jekk jogħġbok irreferi għall-korrispondenti Amazon‑Homepage. Dan il-websajt inħoloq fuq u tiġi aġġornata f'intervalli regolari. Il-prezzijiet u l-kundizzjonijiet tal-kunsinna huma soġġetti għal tibdil fi żmien qasir. Żbalji u ommissjonijiet ħlief.

Klassifikazzjoni: 71x bil 8.4/10 għal popolari PS4 consoles